Island Leaf's Product Portfolio
Island Leaf has spent years developing a network of reliable sources and outlets. As a result, we've got quite a beefed up product portfolio.
Additionally, we like to share the knowledge we've gained throughout our commodities-trading careers. We post a monthly blog about our experience in international commerce, and we also share information weekly on LinkedIn.
By recyclables, we mean plastics. Plastics derive from oil. Manufacturers use them to create an array of end products. Many plastics can be recycled over and over.
Lastic Bamboo Resin
Lastic Bamboo Resin and products are 100% biodegradable and compostable. This material is the perfect substitute for straws, utensils, and food boxes made from plastics like PP, PET and PLA.
We use metals in several applications. That can be either ferrous (containing iron, like steel) or non-ferrous (no iron, like aluminum and copper).
Interested in any of these products? Send us a message.