Lastic possesses a bulging quiver of biodegradable certifications, and its product portfolio is expanding.
Lastic first sold biodegradable straws, about which we've written tons of content, and then moved on to biodegradable utensils. After that, Lastic began producing lid prototypes. In the next few weeks, the Lastic production team will have dialed in the configurations needed for lid production.
Yet, Lastic continues to expand its product portfolio. Lastic can do this because they have perfected three home and garden compostable Lastic Bamboo Resin types. Specifically, Lastic's LABMVB021 Extrusion Resin presents an array of possible applications.
In addition to lids, producers can use LABMVB021 Extrusion Resin to make blister packs, variously sized meat trays, an array of food boxes, and multiple packaging applications. In fact, a few weeks ago, Costco Taiwan began selling take-out food packaged in a Lastic Bamboo Resin-made food box. And for the record, Costco packed its mouth-watering chili cheese potato wedges into the biodegradable Lastic food boxes. The author can personally attest to the mouth-wateringness of Costco's chili cheese potato wedges.
Costco's initial feedback about the food boxes is stellar. The Lastic food boxes function similarly to the standard polyethylene, polypropylene, and PET ones Costco has used in the past. While the food boxes unfortunately include a detachable, clear-PET lid so that customers can see the food inside, using these compostable Lastic food boxes cuts waste in half. Luckily, the PET lids are fully recyclable. And we must note that the Lastic food boxes are reusable.
Costco is the first major establishment to market biodegradable Lastic food boxes to the public. We're confident that Costco will expand its use of Lastic food boxes. Ultimately, Costco's decision to use Lastic food boxes represents a major milestone for Lastic and biodegradable packaging.
Island Leaf knows all the technicalities and ins and outs of Lastic food boxes. Send us a message today!